MARCH 5, 2025


Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Registration9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Mastering the Claims Process10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Lunch (provided)12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Time Zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

This class is intended for the contractor who is well versed in and has experience with insurance claims. If you are a contractor who is not yet familiar with the claims process, a prerequisite to this class is available and is called, “Understanding the Claims Process.”  
This class takes a deeper look at the claims process and tackles the complexities of when a claim is underpaid or denied and explores the steps that you can take to combat those obstacles. We will define, explain, and help you identify when to take advantage of measures such as supplements, appraisals, public adjuster services, and/or litigation. Realistic examples, based on actual claims, will be offered and discussed for further understanding and to open free and open dialogue and questions. Resources for each of these advanced strategies will also be offered.

•    Owners
•    General Managers
•    Accounting
•    Retail
•    Insurance
•    Storm

Full Name
Lee Olivares
Job Title
Latino Claims Academy
Speaker Bio
Lee Olivares: Lee proudly represents the growing Latino contractor community. He resides in the Rio Grande Valley - a region spanning the southern border of Texas, where 95% of the population is Hispanic and primarily Spanish speaking. Lee helps his roofing clients maximize their insurance proceeds and he is driven to help other contractors do the same, through his current venture - Latino Claims Academy: an educational platform and community hub for bilingual and Spanish speaking contractors.

Acerca de Lee Olivares: Lee representa con orgullo a la creciente comunidad de contratistas latinos. Reside en el Valle del Río Grande, una región que abarca la frontera sur de Texas, donde el 95% de la población es hispana y habla principalmente español. Su experiencia incluye reclamaciones diarias y de catástrofe en todo Texas, Florida y Carolina del Norte. Lee ayuda a sus clientes de techado a maximizar sus beneficios de seguro y está comprometido en ayudar a otros contratistas a hacer lo mismo, a través de su actual emprendimiento
Lee Olivares